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High School

August 30 Updates

THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP with the LHS Staff Luncheon!

Thank you to the many volunteers who brought food for the Staff Luncheon on August 27th, and helped with set-up and clean-up!  With your help, we had a huge variety of food, and were able to feed 80+ staff members!  This was a GREAT way to start the year, and to show the staff our appreciation for teaching and nurturing our kids.  Thank you so very much for all your help!!!!  LHS Families are great!

Please also note:  If you brought any bowls or utensils, you can pick it up in the library anytime before 3:00.  Please pick it up before the first day of school, if possible!


School Supplies

There is officially no supply list for our high school students.  It is suggested to have the basics.....binder, paper, pens/pencils on the first day.  Each teacher will tell them specifically what is needed for their particular class. 

Varsity Football Game. 
The first game will be Thursday, Sept. 3rd -  Lindbergh v. Highline at Renton Memorial Stadium, 7:00pm.  The Boosters Club will have spirit wear for sale.  Please come and show your support for Lindbergh's athletes!
Practice for Monday, August 31, has been changed from 6:00pm, to start 3:00pm.
Please note:  The football game against Juanita has been changed from September 24th to September 25th.
First Football Team Dinner of 2009-2010 Season
This is a weekly event for the Football Team and their families ONLY, the day before a game.  Parents and siblings are encouraged to attend also.  This is a family thing as well as a team bonding event.  Dinner is provided by the football families potluck style.  The Parent Group will provide drinks.  Assignments for this week are as follows:

September 2nd 6:00pm
Football Team Dinner in the LHS Cafeteria

Italian Night!

Seniors and Juniors bring: Main Dish
Sophomores bring: Dessert
Freshman bring: side dish or salad

At the first dinner we will also have sign up sheets available for areas in which the Parent Group will need volunteers.  Bring any fund-raising ideas you have as well.

Please also contact Bonnie Anderson at bonniejanderson@msn.com, to be placed on a Master E-mail list of football parents.

Thank you!


Below is information on how to access the athletic schedules and forms that are on our district athletic web pages.

Here is the link to the forms page where we now have high school sports clearance forms (including the new head injury/concussion form we are asking middle schools to use as well) as well as all of our sport specific warning letters:


Here is the link to the sport schedules page where we post both the high school and middle school sport schedules (middle schools are on the lower half of the page):


Rather than having each school upload the forms to their own pages, schools will now link to our pages. That way, as we update the schedules or forms, the school page will be current as well.

To find these pages without the above links, you do the following:

1)     Go to the Renton School District home page at www.rentonschools.us
2)     In the menus near the top, just under the photo bar, click on “District Departments”
3)     Scroll down to Extracurricular and click on “Activities and Athletics”
4)     Once on the Activities and Athletics main page, choose the appropriate menu from the left side—Sport Schedules or Athletic Forms

We hope that this information helps.  Please share it with your community. 

Thanks to Lisa Holliday for all her work on getting these links up and running!  Thanks also to Vicki Molnar, Amelia Clark, Carmen Dewey, and everyone else who gave their ideas/input during this process.

Brian Kaelin
Director of Athletics, Renton School District
425-204-2423 (phone)
425-204-2327 (fax)

Lindbergh Website Information.

Lindbergh parents and students are encouraged to become familiar with Lindbergh's website at http://lindbergh.rentonschools.us/

At this site, you will find a staff directory, bell schedules, District calendars, student and parent links to Learning Gateway, eFolio and Career Cruising, Career Center and Counseling information, the Daily Bulletin, volunteer parent group information, clubs and sports information, parent resources including online payments and lunches, and much, much more.

If you have questions regarding the website or if you find a link that's not working properly, please contact the LHS webmaster, Terri Simone, at terri.simone@rentonschools.us.

Lindbergh Sports Clearance Information.
Sports clearance papers are available in the LHS attendance office.  For students who have already had their physicals done, there are additional papers that need to be signed by parents (e.g., Concussion Information sheet, and two other documents).  Please see Amelia Clark in the attendance office, or e-mail her at Amelia.Clark@rentonschools.us

Eagle Wings, August 2009 
Principal’s Message…..
Another summer is quickly coming to an end, and with it, the anticipation of the upcoming school year.  Many things are happening in and out of the building in preparation for the first day scheduled for September 2, 2009 (freshmen only).
Work continues on the installation of a new turf field and six lane synthetic track.  The soccer practice field has been reseeded, and installation of the throwing circles for the shot put and discus and the approach for the javelin will begin shortly.  Both projects are scheduled for completion in mid-October.  Practice sites for football and girl’s soccer will be moved to Renton Park (for dates prior to the beginning of school) and the outfield areas of the softball and baseball fields.
Many of the LHS teachers have been attending professional development trainings and workshops to hone their instructional practice which will in turn provide Lindbergh students with rich and valuable learning environments.  The Lindbergh staff, along with the rest of the Renton School District staff, will continue the SUMMIT Initiative work which began last year, with work focused on Powerful Teaching and Learning.
With the ever changing state of our nation’s and world economies, it is imperative that students make every effort to acquire the necessary skills in high school that will prepare them for life beyond graduation.  This begins with regular attendance, from the first day of the school year to the last day of the school year, and coming to the classroom ready to learn.  I am excited to begin the 2009-10 school term and look forward to working together with all students and parents during the coming year.
Tres Genger, Principal
Lindbergh High School – Where Learning is #1


9/4 -    Late Start
9/7 -    LABOR DAY (no school)
9/10 -  Picture Day
9/11 -  Late Start
9/18 -  Homecoming vs. Renton, 6pm
9/19 -  Homecoming Dance 8:30-11:30
9/21 -  OPEN HOUSE, 7-9pm
10/2 -  Late Start
10/9 -  TEACHER TRAINING (no school)
10/14 - Picture Retakes
10/16 - Late Start
10/23 - Late Start
10/30 - Late Start
11/6 -   TEACHER TRAINING (no school)
11/11 - VETERAN’S DAY (no school)
11/23 - Parent Teacher Conferences
11/25 - Half Day
11/26 & 11/27 - THANKSGIVING BREAK - (no school)


Yearbook News

Seniors, it is time to get your senior portraits taken.  Please tell your photographer the requirements for the yearbook.

  • Background color: any color
  • Pose: head and shoulders only
  • Print size: 2 ½ by 3 inches
  • Head size: 1-½ inches
  • Number of copies: 1
  • Deadline: October 31, 2009

Remember to take lots of pictures of fun summer vacations to submit.  We love hearing about special events, awards and moments in your life. Baby pictures are fun too, we try to use all of them, and sometimes we get too many, sometimes not enough.  Copy your favorite pictures, we try to get them back to you, but obviously dealing with the large amounts that we do, some get misplaced along the way.

Last, but not least, are the Senior Ad pages available to purchase.  All ads will be in color and orders are due by January 15, 2010. You will be receiving an order by mail, or your student may drop by the yearbook office to pick one up.

Prices:            ¼ page:   $100.00
½ page:   $150.00
Full page: $250.00

This year we will be selling advertising space to businesses.  If you have a small business and are interested in purchasing an ad, let me know at 425-204-3178, or email at sally.turnell@rentonschools.us.  The phone will not be manned until end of August, so email is the quickest and easiest way to reach an editor or me.

If you buy your book before school starts during Eagle Days, it will only cost $60.00.  After school starts it will be $65.00 and after January 15, 2010, yearbooks will cost $70.00.  (Please disregard previous cost announcements - this is the correct information.)


Homecoming, 2009!

Welcome back, Eagles!  Our celebration of Homecoming will occur early this year, with the game on Friday, September 18th at 6:00pm against Renton High School at Renton Memorial Stadium.  We will have a car parade from Lindbergh to the stadium prior to the game.  If you are interested in participating, pick-up information in the attendance office

The dance will be Saturday, September 19th, from 8:30-11:30pm.  With a theme of “A Night on the Town,” the dance is sure to be a good time.  In an effort to be more inclusive and to place the emphasis of homecoming on celebrating Lindbergh High School, this year’s dance will be casual in attire.


Adult chaperones are needed for the BIGGEST school dance of the year!  If you can help, please respond ASAP, to Christina Allen, at christina.allen@rentonschools.us

Note:  Students will not be able to purchase Homecoming dance tickets if they have any open discipline or fines.  Please have them take care of clearing these up ASAP!


Dress Code

Appropriate school attire should be worn to reflect work-place standards.  Please review Lindbergh High School’s dress code in the student handbook (copied below for your convenience). For safety and identification purposes, we will no longer allow students to wear hats, hoods, and other head coverings, unless for religious reasons.  Examples of inappropriate clothing for work and school are:

  • Pants sagging below the hips
  • Belts hanging
  • Exposed navels, cleavage, abdomens
  • See-through clothing; exposed undergarments/straps
  • Bandanas and other gang-related clothing
  • Pajamas, slippers
  • Sunglasses worn in the building during the school day
  • Tube tops, halter tops, tank tops w/spaghetti straps (straps must be the width of ASB card)
  • Short-shorts, mini-skirts (described as shorter than the finger-tips when arms are extended down, at the sides)
  • Logos expressing offensive or illegal topics
  • Hats, head coverings, doo-rags, hoods, if not for religious reasons.

Students found to be in violation of the school dress code will be asked to alter their outfit so as to comply with the guidelines.  Repeated offenses will result in parent contact and/or sending the student home.



Receive high school credit for working!  Work Site Learning (WSL) is a wonderful learning experience that connects knowledge and skills obtained in the classroom to those needed in the work environment.   If you have a job and meet the requirements of the Worksite Learning program, you can receive one-half credit for every 180 hours you work.

In order to enroll in the program, you, your parent and your employer will need to complete the required forms.  Students may pick up packets by Mrs. Derrig’s desk in room 220G or print them from this website. Once the packet is completed and returned, the student will document his/her work hours.

Students will have folders in Mrs. Derrig’s office where they are to document their hours with each paycheck. It is important that students remain current in documenting their hours in order to receive the maximum amount of credit.

As a student approaches 180 hours, Mrs. Derrig will visit the work site and obtain an evaluation. Mrs. Derrig will review the evaluation with the student and then the student can start on the next 180 hours.
Mrs. Derrig is in the building first and second periods every day.  On Tuesdays, she will be available first through fourth periods.  Check the white board next to her desk for additional availability.

Mrs. Terry Derrig



Would you like to pay for your students ASB card, PE Uniforms, class fees, yearbook and other items on-line?  YOU NOW CAN!!  Fines can also be paid on-line.  All you need is your students ID #.  If you have multiple students in the district you will need to try them all to figure out which one is set up for your family.  (It is typically your youngest student though)

To make payments visit the district website:  (www.rentonschools.us)
Click on Parent Resources, then On-Line Payments
Username: (your students ID #)
Password: (your students last name)

Please call Mrs. Hood in the Main Office if you have questions or need your students’ ID #.   425-204-3200



Anna Dehn, Biology
Charles James, Assistant Principal
James Jones, Social Studies
Megan Drobnicki, Life Management
Karan Mahna, Math
James McLuen, Math


Fall 2009
Dear Parent or Guardian: RE: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Disease
and Vaccine Information

The following information is being provided to you by the Washington Department of Health, at the direction of the Washington State Legislature, to help reduce cervical cancer rates in Washington by protecting girls from HPV.

What is Human Papillomavirus (HPV)?
HPV is a very common virus that is spread through genital contact. At least 50 percent of sexually active people will get HPV at some time in their lives. There are many types of HPV. Some types can cause cervical cancer or genital warts. Both women and men can get HPV and easily spread it to others without knowing they have it.

What are the symptoms of HPV?
Most people with HPV have no signs or symptoms. Some people know they have HPV because they have a symptom like genital warts. Women may find out they have HPV through cervical cancer screening (Pap tests) and HPV testing. Health care providers do not usually test for HPV unless abnormal cervical cell changes are detected by a Pap test.

How can HPV infection be prevented?
The best way to prevent HPV infection is to abstain from all sexual activity. It is uncertain how well condoms protect against HPV infection. The HPV vaccine is a very effective way to prevent four types of HPV that can cause cervical cancer and genital warts.

What is the HPV vaccine?
The HPV vaccine, Gardasil, ® protects against four types of HPV which cause 70 percent of cervical cancers and 90 percent of genital warts. The vaccine does not protect against all types of HPV or other sexually transmitted infections. The vaccine also does not protect against any type of HPV that someone already has. Current studies show that HPV vaccine protection lasts up to 5 years. Research will continue to determine the length of the HPV vaccine’s protection.

Who should get the vaccine and when should they get it?
The Federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices highly recommends the HPV vaccine for all girls age 11-12 years. Women ages 13-26 will also benefit from the vaccine, if their doctor recommends it. HPV vaccine is given as a series of three shots over a six month period. The vaccine is not currently recommended for boys or men. The HPV vaccine is a preventive vaccine and will offer the best protection if given before sexual activity starts. HPV vaccine is not required for school entry in Washington.

Where can I find the HPV vaccine?
Ask your Health Care Provider, or local health clinic to find out whether your daughter needs the HPV vaccine, where you can get it and the cost.

For more information on HPV, the Vaccine, and Cervical Cancer:
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention www.cdc.gov/std/hpv
Washington State Department of Health
American Cancer Society www.cancer.org

Susan M Lander, RN, M.Ed.
Director: Health Services


Six Period Schedule

Period 1 7:20 - 8:15
Period 2 8:20 - 9:20
Period 3 9:25 - 10:20
1st Lunch
Lunch 10:25 - 10:55
Period 4 11:00 - 11:55
2nd Lunch
Period 4 10:25 - 11:20
Lunch 11:25 - 11:55
Period 5 12:00 - 1:00 Period 6 1:05 - 2:03


Principal, Tres Genger                 425-204-3200
Asst. Principal, Anna Horton       425-204-3210
Asst. Principal, Charles James  425-204-3210
Attendance Office                        425-204-3210
Career Center                              425-204-3225
Counseling Office                        425-204-3259
Library                                           425-204-3206
Main Office                                   425-204-3200
Registrar                                       425-204-3214
Security Office                              425-204-3211

Lindbergh Website                    http://lindbergh.rentonschools.us/Home.aspx
Renton District Website            http://www.rentonschools.us/Home.aspx

E-mail updates are provided as a courtesy via Lindbergh's PTSA, and are not intended to replace regular U.S. mail, or written material sent through the kids.  The updates merely serve as either an additional notice, or a precursor of things to come, and helps rally parents and promote camaraderie.  Please remember to ask for hand-outs from school, and read them!

Please remember to support the PTSA and Lindbergh Boosters Club - they are the main vehicles by which parents can keep informed and in contact with the school and each other!

If you want to be removed from the e-mail list, please e-mail me at sidekik@msn.com.  Please feel free to forward this to other Lindbergh parents, so they will know what is going on!!!

Thanks, everyone!!

Carrie L. Wong
Lindbergh PTSA Vice-President
































August 12, 2009

2008-09 School Year

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